Singapore, the Lion City
Thursday, 3 May 2007
Surrounded by lots of loved ones, we left Welly to embark on our journey. First stop - Singapore. At first we were nervous and this wasn't helped by the lady sitting next to us counting her rosaries and saying her prayers. Nonetheless we arrived safely into 29 degree heat.
First impressions, well we're not in Kansas anymore Toto! Things are heaps bigger over here, more people, more gadgets, millions of high apartment buildings. City was very green and lush - probably down to the fact they're legally required to plant a tree every year. Some interesting observations, bar the clean, no spitting / chewing gum thing:
Hotel - was a nice place, amazing buffet breakfast that had everything you could think of. Beds were smaller than your avg NZ bed and feet went over the edge!
Taxis - incredibly cheap, probably a third of NZ price.
Beers - the complete opposite and sometimes more than double NZ. However, we recommend the 711 as you can get 2 tiger beers for $7 - bargain!!
Hawker centre - crazy times. These places are nothing but great big food halls where you get constantly harrased by people trying to sell you their goodness. A bit intimidating but food was definitely worth it, and again cheap beers!
Singapore sling - Interesting drink, but worth trying, especially in Singapore (same price as a beer!). We had one of these puppies on Santosa Island, a small island of the main coast. Real nice beaches.
Shops - don't open till 11 am ish and close late. Never mind getting up early here!
Tims personal highlight - Mos. A burger joint where we ordered burgers that came without any buns. Just wrapped up in a huge lettuce leaf. Very tasty and good times (kinda messy though!). Also buying a Macbook Pro.
Ems personal highlight - shopping can't be beat and the service and the locals here are lovely. Girls, if you love sleeping in late, shopping all day, and drinking cheap cocktails, then Singapore is for you.
OK peeps. We are getting ourselves ready for the next leg of the journey - 15 hour flight to Paris. Least we can learn some of the lingo in transit.
Take care, and we will upload photos etc soon.... :p
Labels: Travel
posted by Em @ 11:28 am,
- At 3 May 2007 at 4:18 pm, domntorontour said...
glad you enjoyed Singapore peeps, now just wait till you get to Europe - you're going to flip!! Can't wait to see you, you'll be pleased to know its a scorching 23 degrees today and the sun is BLAZING!
- At 3 May 2007 at 11:41 pm, Unknown said...
Hi Tim & Emma, I'm so jealous you are on your way to Paris and I'm not:(
In Paris my favorite things were the Tour of the Sewers (yes really fascinating and no there is no sewerage), the markets at Montreuil (sp?) lots of great stuff including unbelievable vintage clothing and very cheap. Sitting on the steps of the Sacre Coeur at night, Montmarte, Printemps department store, Conciergerie the former prison during the Terrors and just walking around the different districts of Paris.
Anyway - have a fantastic time in Paris:)