Dublin me hearties
Saturday, 7 July 2007
After a six weeks of travel, it was time to come back to reality. Money was running out and we knew we needed to seek some work. It wasn't going to be all bad though as we would meet up with the likes of Mel and Paxie, and of course the Irish summer. Ha! What a joke. It's rained every day we've been here! Our apologies to those whom we ribbed with winter jokes prior to our departure. Nonetheless, can't let a bit of rain spoil the party - especially coming from Wellers and all.
Dublin is much like home and the people are great. After being camped up on the living room floor at our friend Mel's place for a few weeks, we've moved into our own apartment, and it's sooo good not to be living out of a backpack anymore.
We've meet some new people through our friends over here, and attended a pirate party in aide of one of our friends leaving Dublin - not because of us. Everyone dressed up and we really did make a pretty convincing group of pirates.
Em found work after a week which is good, and means there is a cash flow again. There are plans to explore Dublin in it's entirety, along wth the rest of Ireland, once we are fully settled and are both in work.
We are off to London on the 20th for Toast NZ, and we will be catching up with some expats, kiwi music, good ole fashioned kiwi tucker, and of course, those nice beverages. It should be a fun weekend. We'll keep you posted :)
Labels: General
posted by Tim @ 1:32 pm,
- At 19 July 2007 at 3:55 am, Unknown said...
Hi Tim & Emma
I'm very glad to know that you've been enjoying yourselves and Emma gets a job there. I think it is a great idea for Tim to set up a training centre there to teach them how to improve their customer services.
All the best and keep in touch.