Welcome home

So after a mammoth mission, we have finally arrived back in NZ for wedding season. The plan is to catch up with as many family and friends as possible - we will be in touch.

Bring on the kiwi accent and nuances...


posted by Tim @ 11:59 am, ,

Slán Éire

Well, it must be that time of the year again. Time to pack up all your worldly possessions, farewell your new friends, and move on to do it all again - grand!

Yes people, our time in Dublin is up. In just under 24 hours we will be winging our way to back to the land of the long white cloud for a short spell, before returning to give the UK a whirl.

We are glad to have called Dublin home and have enjoyed meeting new folk. It's been good craic like. Ye shall be missed, but until next time, bye, bye, bye, bybye, bye.

posted by Tim @ 4:16 pm, ,

Paging, the wandering chimps

OK, so we have really fallen off the wagon in terms of keeping this blog updated. So what has been happening you say? Well, in short, quite a bit.

Since the last post, Christmas and New Years has come and gone. Both good affairs, with Christmas here in Dublin with a friends, then New Years in London. We also managed to sneak a peek at Cardiff on the way over to London.

So what else has been happening? My brother came over at the end of January for a look at this side of the world. We hired a car for a week and drove around the emerald isle. Needless to say, there are some pretty impressive castles and cliffs to be seen, and beer to be drunk. Good times indeed.

We have also: dressed like chavs (facebook ID required) and attended a chav party; locked in a date to attend electric picnic; had a St Pats day in Dublin - messy; taken time to explore Dublin

Our latest excursion was the weekend just gone, where Em and I headed to Spain for hens and stag parties respectively. Em and the girls headed to Valencia for Kat's hen party, whilst the myself and the lads headed to Barcelona to give Ben a send off. More on this will follow in the next post.

Well, for now, I think that is it. The only other update is that we are leaving Ireland at the end of this month. We are heading home for a few weddings, then will look to relocate ourselves to the UK. Seeing that we are not in a hurry to resume desk jobs, we are going to treat ourselves to some sun and have a little sailing break around Croatia, and then catch up with friends in Crete.

The countdown to departure is on...again...

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posted by Tim @ 11:02 am, ,