It's time for a run Santa

Early on Saturday morning, Team Schubie and the Morgans got up, braved the freezing cold temperatures and got into the xmas spirit by donning santa suits and running around Battersea Park with 2,000 other santas, for disability snowsport.

We climbed into our 'one-size-fits-all' santa suits and found that the crotch went to our knees and the waist was so big you could fit 3-4 people in the santa pants! Lucky for us we had been pre-warned that the suits were massively oversized and had armed ourselves with loads of safety pins.

At 10am we were off amidst hundreds of jolly santas. Who would've thought you'd see so many smiles, laughter and joking around from people about to embark on a 6km run? Soon it was all on: the rubgy ball was passed around (loosely), cameras were clicking and the vibe was merry. People of all shapes, sizes and ages were running - even a dog sporting a santa beard took part!

There was a slight mishap with a pole (while taking action shots) and we did temporarily lose a member of the team, but all was well when the 'triangle' came out in full force, crossing the finishing line at around 40 mins. While waiting outside for the local pub to open, we were met by curious looks, waves and beeping horns - it seems that everyone was happy to see a group of sants looking to quench their thirst!

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posted by Em @ 1:00 pm,


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