Cork Jazz Festival
Wednesday, 5 December 2007

OK, so the festival was actually on the 26-28 October, but it would be fair to say that we have been a tad slack with our updates of late. The plethora of websites to update nowadays is insane!
Anyhou, so the team made the mission down to Cork for the Guinness Jazz festival. It was good to get out of Dublin for the weekend and see another part of Ireland. Cork is a cool place, and like Wellers, you can walk everywhere.
From the moment we left the train station it was not long before we meet a friendly local, our taxi driver. Despite the man thinking we were from Poland, he proved to be a laugh (he knew we weren't from Poland)and told us some pubs to check out.
With this advice in hand, we dumped our kit at the hotel and made the mission into the township. The town was still in set-up mode so there were not too many folk around so we were able to get a good lay of the land. As standard, a beer was the reward for our exploration.
The next day the rest of the team arrived. Our numbers had multiplied and we were all amping for a weekend of food, drink and of course, jazz. No matter where you went, you didn't have to look hard to find music, or us from a bar.
The next few days became a bit of a blur as we soaked up the atmosphere, but at the end of the day it was a great weekend away with friends.
posted by Tim @ 2:32 pm,